Stop Fueling
Corporate Welfare!
“Corporate Welfare” is
government handouts to large corporations and their wealthy investors – money
taken from the average taxpayer, even those who can barely make ends meet.
Senate Bill 2222 funds
corporate welfare. It takes money from every farmer, every taxpayer in North
Dakota, and gives it to huge corporations and their wealthy investors, in this
case those building ethanol plants. We ALL pay for
These companies should be
TAXED, NOT subsidized by taxpayers. Please
support our referral, and vote NO on SB2222!
Who is getting
YOUR tax dollars? Big corporations!
SB2222 is being used to increase the profits of huge corporations. Archer Daniels Midland, a corporate giant, is among the biggest contributors of “soft money” to both the Democrats and the Republicans – ensuring that they will get what they want, whoever is in power. That is why ethanol continues to be subsidized, when it benefits NO ONE but these corporations and their investors.
Dakota Renewable Fuels, which plans to build the new Valley City plant, promises its investors an annual return of 29.2% in its second year of operation – paid for by subsidies. Should taxpayers be forced to bankroll huge returns on investments during this bear market?
In addition to
this, SB 2222 is likely UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Article X, Sec. 18 of the ND
state constitution reads: “…neither the state nor any political subdivision
thereof shall otherwise loan or give its credit or make donations to or in aid
of any individual, association or corporation except for reasonable support of the
poor, nor subscribe to or become the owner of capital stock in any association
or corporation."
Click here to read about another plant
the same size as the proposed one, designed and built by the same company,
and about which the same promises
were made.
NO to SB2222!
Please help our effort. We need
people to circulate petitions, write letters to the editor, call talk shows,
and contribute. Download and distribute our flyer, or download and circulate
our petition. We will also be happy to
mail you copies of the petition, flyer, and fact sheet. Please contact:
c/o Norman C. (Clint) Cooper
4848 Highway 85, Lot 119
Williston, ND 58801-8612
701-572-1432 (Please call
before 6 PM)